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Setup Development Environment

What you'll need

  • The Inubot Launcher
  • An IDE - IntelliJ is my personal preference and what I will be using in these tutorials. The Community Edition is available for free.

Starting a project

  1. If you've never ran the Inubot launcher before, run it and start an Inubot client. This will install Java 11 for you, while also installing the Inubot SDK

  2. Open your IDE and create a project

Creating a project

  1. Open your project structure configuration

Open project structure config

  1. Go to the Libraries tab, and add a Java Library. Navigate to %user%/inubot/ and select the inubot.jar fileAdding a java library

  2. Go to the SDK tab and add a JDK. Navigate to %user%/inubot/java/ and select the jdk directory

Add-JDK JDK Directory

  1. Go to the Project tab and from the SDK dropdown, select the JDK you just added. I named mine inubot-java, so I will select that one

Select SDK

  1. Navigate to the Modules path, select the Paths tab and change your Output path to %user%/inubot/scripts/

Set compile path