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We use YAML format for arguments so you can use it to quickstart scripts or launch client with a proxy.

username: "username"
password: "password"
pin: ""
world: 316
script: "GOTR"
script_args: ""
disable_interfaces: false
low_cpu: true
proxy_ip: ""
proxy_port: 69
proxy_username: ""
proxy_password: ""
inubot_username: ""
inubot_password: ""
fps: 50
totp_secret: ""
experimental: 0
break: "name of break profile you want to use, if any"
house: "name of house profile you want to use, if any"
save_account: false
exit_on_error: false
delay: 5

If you don't need an arg for example totp_secret, you can just leave it out. For the sake of this tutorial I've included all the args simply to show what's available. For Jagex Accounts, use jx_sessionand jx_character instead of username and password as shown in next tutorial.

Using args

File based args

Save whatever data you wish to use to a file and in the launcher input -args path\to\my\Args.yml. the path should be wherever you saved it

Direct args

Copy and paste -rawargs and then the above into the launcher arguments and start client as normal